7 Ingredients We Eat that Can Make Us Smell Delicious
Believe it or not, the foods we eat can affect our body odor and the way we smell.
The foods we eat will have an effect on our breath, the smell under our arms and our overall body odor. Some ingredients we eat can give us a strong and sour body odor, while other ingredients can help us smell if not clean, then at least, neutral. Let’s have a look at a few ingredients that can make us (and our families!) smell even better than we did the day before!
Whichever type of yogurt you choose, make sure in the list of ingredients you find that lovely active probiotic ingredient. Most commonly, you’ll find lactobacillus, or streptococcus thermophilus and a few others depending on the type of yogurt and fermentation process.
Probiotics make sure we digest food properly, without delay. This way food doesn’t get backed up in our system, which may add to our body odor. Additionally, the probiotics add good bacteria to our gut, balancing out our entire bodies really. A healthy gut will directly impact the way we smell, our health and of course, a healthy digestion. Non-dairy yogurts like soy yogurt, or cashew yogurt, will also come with its healthful probiotics. You may want to opt for a yogurt without sugar, you can add your own fruit, for added gut and overall health benefits.
Herbal Tea
Herbal tea and green tea are a great source of antioxidants, which in turn cleans our blood and removes toxins from our system. Herbal teas, like peppermint, chamomile, and hibiscus are naturally caffeine-free. Not only will the toxins flush out of your system, but the added hydration will further assist in flushing bad bacteria out of the body, for a better smelling you!
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are loaded with vitamins that are quickly absorbed by the body, boosting immunity and body odor. You can even use lemon when you’re out and about and need to freshen up those underarms. Both its antibacterial properties and delicious smell will clean and clear away the bad bacteria naturally occurring on the surface of our underarms, which is half the reason why we may smell after a sweaty activity.
Fresh Herbs
Fresh herbs like parsley, basil, mint, and cilantro contain strong natural oils that can combat stinky smells and flavors. They’re so effective, they can even be used to combat bad breath. Not to mention all that easily digestible fibers that will help stimulate and improve digestion, flushing out whatever the body no longer needs.

Adding cinnamon to your deserts, your children’s hot chocolate cups, your oatmeal breakfast, or yogurt bowl will not only act as a natural stimulant, but it will taste great and make you (and everyone in your family) smell great.

White Fish
White fish isn’t necessarily going to make you smell divine, but it is the better alternative to red meat, which will make you smell, well, not all that attractive. When we eat red meat, our body has to work really hard to break it down. This exhaustive process makes our body give off an unpleasant smell, whereas with fish, our body doesn't give off any odor, not great nor foul.
Interestingly enough, when we eat celery, we release pheromones which makes us smell more attractive to the opposite sex. It’s stalks are brimming with androstenone and androstenol, which releases an attractive body odor directly after eating this crunchy green stalk. Who knew the foods we eat could have such an effect over our smells and behaviors?
If you love to raise your arms and smell pleasantly aromatic, we recommend pairing up PlayPits safe and effective natural deodorants with a clean and healthy diet. Our deodorants are made with all natural ingredients you’ve actually heard of, and that you can actually pronounce. Our deodorants are safe for children of all ages to use - we made each natural stick with the whole family in mind! Pair up your favorite soothing and naturally scented stick with a healthy lifestyle, and we’re sure everyone’s going to be asking you what your secret is!
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